HAVING gone through the whole details of the process, and furnished such information as I have been able to collect, bearing at all upon the subject in hand, I beg, in conclusion, to offer a few remarks in reference to the absolute necessity there exists for the greatest care and attention on the part of the operator, especially at the commencement of his learning the process.

A slight success at the beginning of the practice of the art leads many to imagine that all difficulties are overcome, and that henceforth there is nothing but the most simple directions to follow to ensure success; nothing will contribute so much to the ultimate failure of the operator as the cherishing of such a feeling as this; how can it be imagined that careless and off-hand manipulation will lead to ultimate success, when the materials we have to operate with are of such a changeful and delicate nature?

I trust that those who purpose taking up the art will bear in mind that, during the time they are acquiring a knowledge of its details, it will draw very much upon their stock of patience and perseverance; and they should be prepared to meet with many disappointments and failures, although no one can doubt that success will ultimately crown their endeavours, if directed with ordinary care, and attention to cleanliness and purity of materials. I should sadly be misleading the beginner if I were to tell him that the thing is easy enough; he has only to go and do this and that, and that good pictures cannot fail to come and reward him for his want of care.

I can only repeat what I have just said, that by attending to the instructions given, combined with persevering practice for a time, success will and must attend and crown his efforts. But even when he has mastered the manipulation, and acquired a power over the delicate materials he is working with, his attention must be directed to the procuring of chemicals pure; as also, his lens should be of good quality, and his camera a dark chamber when necessary. His apparatus and chemicals should be up to the mark, and kept so.

In fact, Photography is a fair field for the exercise and exhibition of three excellent qualities, perseverance, cleanliness, and order. I may say, in conclusion, that the pleasure to be derived from the exercise of the art, when its difficulties are overcome, will well repay all the trouble and care expended in mastering it.


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